Support Internal Communication With Digital Signage

25th June 2015 - 14:40

If you want to boost employee engagement this year, why not consider digital signage as a way of making improvements in this regard?

It's important to ensure that your members of staff are as involved with the company as possible so that they help to spread your brand's message and feel as though they're part of a family, rather than a business. Making workers feel important and valued is essential to running a successful company and digital signage solutions represent a great opportunity for this.

Communication is key and that's where such signs can really come into their own. Rather than having bulletin boards set up, install a few screens here and there around the office and building to help spread important messages and allow communication through interactive tablets and touchscreens.

Make excellent use of software such as videos and apps to help provide information or tutorials relating to training, for example. Or you could use them to alert workers to new products and services that you're developing or have just launched. It couldn't be easier to do this via digital boards – with just a few clicks you can ensure that the entire office knows what's going on and what's most important to the business.

In addition, you can help to stop people from checking their own tablets and smartphones during work hours by displaying information such as breaking news, the weather or even sports scores for big tournaments like Wimbledon that your members of staff are likely to be interested in. This will help them feel valued but not reduce productivity.

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